
Everyone hopes
living longer in health. But most people are doomed to face with unwanted disease
and aging, as they get old after their youth.
The cause of
degenerative disease and aging has been an enigma which many scientists have
to solve so far.
Meanwhile, the Free-Radical
Theory of Aging of Dr. Denham Harman is widely accepted
as the most plausible perspective by the most of medical and pysiological experts.
Free Radical Oxygen,
or Reactive Oxygen Species(ROS) are the group of molecules which
contains oxygen atoms deprived of an electron from their outermost orbit.
The most remarkable property of ROS is
their excessive activeness to rob the deficient electron from any adjacent
cells or tissues, though they play a positive role like killing
bad bacteria, pathogens, and parasites, when the quantity of ROS is controlled
moderately by Superoxide
within the body.
However, when the function of SOD weaks as
people are aging, or when unhealthful lifestyle in modern times like smoking, excessive intake
of pollutants or toxic materials, mental stress, fatigue and etc. increases
the quantity of ROS drastically, they start to attack and damage even normal cells,
tissues, enzymes and DNA around them indiscriminately. This may lead to the dysfunction
of organs and enzymes or the mutation of cells, which cause finally degenerative
disease including cancers and premature aging.
There are several ways to decrease the excessive
of these ROS, for example, like intake of anti-oxidant food, supplement, or medicine.
But there is another method which is not expensive nor cumbersome but most efficient,
that is to make a habit to drink the anti-oxidant water.
this reason, today's good
water purifiers should be
able to produce the functional
water with abundant anti-oxidant
property as well as clean