
All living creatures in the universe contain
essentially some critical amount of water within themselves. Without
water, they could not have been created nor can exist any longer.
than 70% of our body is water. Water is the most important substance
next to oxygen for human life. It forms a major part of our cells and blood, lubricates
our joints and eyes, aids digestion, flushes out waste and toxins and helps us
look better by keeping skin healthy and elastic.
meet all these functions and demands optimally, our body needs about 2~3
liters of drinking water daily on the average.
water supply is not sufficient, the body takes water from some other areas to
protect more important tissues and organs, which results in pain, tissue
damage, and a variety of health problems.
These are the symptoms of
dehydration. The excessive or chronic state of water shortage may cause degenerative
diseases or premature aging.
to prevent this undesirable
we should drink the water
chosen carefully in the light
of its hygienic and functional